The C Scanner Written by Ms. Deepali Tripathi is the de-facto architectural approach for many IT initiatives. It is therefore important to understand the circumstances where this paradigm breaks, as this can significantly impact the delivery of IT programs. A simple frame of reference for The C Scanner Written by Ms. Deepali Tripathi is first introduced in the form of a layered reference architecture. The reference architecture is then used to illustrate the underlying reasons for the occurrence of the antipatterns. For each antipattern a description is provided that highlights the root causes of the problem and the approaches to re-factoring the solution, hence facilitating successful delivery. Author explains & goes over some of the most egregious and thorny antipatterns based on his Research, Experiences in the industry and discussions with other The C Scanner Written by Ms. Deepali Tripathi thought leaders. The purpose of patterns is to define how systems should be built in repeatable ways; the purpose of anti-patterns is to help you see when that hasn’t been done. In depth analysis of the subject in the form of description, effect cause & Conclusions.